S.1543, to establish a national geothermal initiative to encourage increased production of energy from geothermal resources

Wed, 26 Sep 2007 14:00:00 GMT

Panel I
  • Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, president of Iceland
Panel II
  • Alexander Karsner, assistant secretary of Energy for energy efficiency and renewable energy
  • Mark Myers, director, U.S. Geological Survey
Panel III
  • Susan Petty – AltaRock Energy
  • Lisa Shevenell – Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, University of Nevada
  • David R. Wunsch – New Hampshire Geological Survey
  • Kenneth H. Williamson – geothermal consultant

The Daily Transit Pass: One of the Most Powerful Weapons to Combat Global Climate Change

Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:30:00 GMT

The Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) and the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) invite you to a briefing at which a new study will be released entitled Public Transportation’s Contribution to U.S. Greenhouse Gas Reduction. The study, conducted by SAIC, examines the effect of public transportation on carbon dioxide emissions. It aims to answer the questions: how much net carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) is public transportation saving in the United States with the current level of transit services being offered? what is the significance of the emissions savings from transit at a household level and what can households do to save additional CO2? if public transportation services are expanded and ridership is increased, how much additional CO2 savings are possible? what are the key elements of consideration for a national climate strategy that embraces public transportation? This briefing will address these questions as well as look at the opportunities for successful policies at the local, state, and federal levels.

  • William W. Millar, President, APTA
  • The Honorable James L. Oberstar, U.S. Congress (D-Minnesota), Chairman, House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
  • The Honorable Peter A. DeFazio, U.S. Congress (D-Oregon), Chairman, Highways and Transit Subcommittee of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
  • The Honorable Greg Nickels, Mayor of Seattle, Chair of the Advisory Board and Co-Chair of the Task Force on Climate Protection, U.S. Conference of Mayors
  • Todd Davis, Assistant Vice President, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
  • Carol Werner, Executive Director, Environmental and Energy Study Institute (Moderator)

In the United States, emissions from mobile sources represent about one-third of the total greenhouse gas emissions and 50 percent of all air pollution. Air pollution claims 70,000 lives a year, more than the 42,000 killed yearly in traffic crashes. One of the most significant actions that household members can take to reduce air pollution and their carbon footprint is to use public transportation. The study to be released shows that an individual switching his or her commute to public transportation can reduce their daily carbon dioxide emissions by 20 pounds- more than 4,800 pounds a year. When compared to other household actions, taking public transportation can be more than ten times more effective at reducing a person’s carbon footprint.

This briefing is free and open to the public. No RSVP required. For more information, contact Homer Carlisle- APTA Legislative Representative, [email protected] or (202) 496-4810 or Leanne Lamusga- EESI Communications Coordinator, [email protected] or 202-662-1884.

The impacts of global warming on the Chesapeake Bay

Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:30:00 GMT

A Discussion on International Climate Change and Clean Energy Policy

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 19:00:00 GMT

Please join the House Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Caucus, Renewable Energy and International Law (REIL) , Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), and the Environmental and Energy Study Institute on September 25th for a roundtable discussion led by national and international policymakers, business representatives, and key stakeholders on issues of global climate and clean energy policy. The discussion will be set in the context of international and business perspectives on the energy and climate bills before the Congress and what can be expected on the global policy front in the coming months.

  • James Cameron, Founder, Climate Change Capital (Moderator)
  • Bob Simon, Chief of Staff, Senate Energy Committee
  • Suedeen Kelly, Commissioner, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
  • Paul Dawson, Head of Environmental and Regulatory Affairs, Global Commodities, Citi
  • Additional business and government leaders

The event is free and open to the public. No RSVP required.

For more information, contact Fred Beck, [email protected] or 202-662-1892.

Revisiting the Industrial Technologies Program (ITP): Achieving Industrial Efficiency

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 18:00:00 GMT

  • Dr. Malcolm E. Verdict, Associate Director, Energy Systems Laboratory, Texas Engineering Experiment Station. Texas A&M University
  • Mr. Fred Moore, Global Director, Manufacturing and Technology, Dow Chemical Company

Green jobs created by global warming initiatives 2

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 18:00:00 GMT

Panel 1
  • Sigmar Gabriel, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
  • Congressman Richard K. Armey PhD, Chairman, FreedomWorks
  • Jerome Ringo, President, Apollo Alliance
  • Dr. Wayne Winegarden, Partner, Arduin, Laffer & Moore Econometrics
  • Carol L. Berrigan, Director, Industry Infrastructure, Nuclear Energy Institute
  • Vinod Khosla, Founder, Khosla Ventures
Panel 2
  • Daniel Kammen, Director of the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley
  • Dr. Kenneth Green, Visiting Fellow, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
  • David Blittersdorf, Founder, NRG Systems, Inc.
  • Mark Culpepper, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, SunEdison
  • Donald Gilligan, President, National Association of Energy Service Companies
Submitted Testimony
  • Paul Renfrow, Vice President, OGE Energy Corp.
  • Dorothy Rothrock, V.P. Government Relations, California Manufacturers & Technology Association

The Contribution of the Social Sciences to the Energy Challenge

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 14:00:00 GMT

  • Dr. Robert Bordley, Vehicle Development Research Laboratory, General Motors
  • Professor Robert Cialdini, Regents’ Professor of Psychology and Marketing, Arizona State University
  • John A. “Skip” Laitner, Visiting Fellow and Senior Economist, the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy
  • Dr. Jerry Ellig, Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center at George Mason University

Lobbying by the U.S. Department of Transportation Against State Actions to Address Climate Change (cancelled)

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 14:00:00 GMT

Internal e-mails show that Transportation Secretary Mary Peters personally directed a behind-the-scenes lobbying campaign approved by the White House to oppose EPA approval of California’s landmark standards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles.

Two years after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, focusing on housing needs in the Gulf Coast

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 13:30:00 GMT

Corporate Climate Response Chicago

Tue, 25 Sep 2007 04:00:00 GMT

Chicago, September 25-26 2007

This two-day event will bring together companies, regulators and other experts to discuss the best solutions for companies looking to mitigate their carbon footprints. Supporters of this event include the City of Chicago DoE, IBM, and MetaFore. Corporate Climate Response also coincides with Chicago’s ‘Cool Globes: Hot Ideas for a Cooler Planet’ festival.

This is our 5th Corporate Climate Response event and a number of top speakers are participating including representatives from Ford, Time, Anheuser-Busch, IBM, McDonald’s, United Technologies, Catepillar, BP America, Exelon, EPA, Energy Star, WRI and more.

This event includes sessions on carbon footprint and life-cycle analysis, energy efficiency, choosing green power sources, offsetting and emissions trading, climate adaptation, and engaging the public on global warming issues. Attendees will also learn about the latest update in national climate change policy and how upcoming state and federal actions will directly impact US corporations. It will attract over 200 delegates from across the US whose responsibility is to implement climate change solutions for their organizations.

The event is sponsored by Environmental Defense, The Alliance to Save Energy, MetaFore, and the Institute for Sustainable Communication.

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