Harris Campaign: Trump Will Sell America Out to Oil Barons
Vice President Kamala Harris at the COP 28 climate talks, 2023.
At her Tuesday campaign rally in Wisconsin, Vice President Kamala Harris said that Trump “literally promised Big Oil companies and Big Oil lobbyists he would do their bidding for $1 billion in campaign donations.”
The Harris for President campaign issued the following press release today.
The Wall Street Journal reported today that a “megawealthy coterie of oil tycoons” are “banking on promises” from Donald Trump to deliver his dangerous Project 2025 agenda that is even “more stridently pro-fossil fuel than Trump’s first administration.”
Trump already offered control of White House policy to oil barons while asking for $1 billion to his campaign.
These Big Oil donations solicited by Trump are being investigated as a “blatant quid pro quo” by Senate investigators and “make the magnates among some of Trump’s biggest donors and represent an increase from past election cycles.”
Trump promised to issue “immediate approvals” for Big Oil’s dangerous schemes while asking them to put him back in the White House.
Oil lobbyists are already drafting ready-made executive orders for Trump to sign to give them tax handouts, increase costs on Americans, and pollute our environment.
Trump has even said that he would cut “environmental agencies” and the Department of Interior, which are critical to protecting public lands and ensuring clean air and water for all Americans.
Harris for President spokesperson Joseph Costello released the following statement:
“Oil barons are salivating because climate denier Donald Trump promised to do their bidding while asking them to bankroll his run for the presidency. Trump’s promises to Big Oil would sacrifice good paying jobs that are driving an American energy and manufacturing boom, and instead give billion dollar handouts to corporations at the expense of working families and a healthy future for our children.
“Under the Biden-Harris administration, America is more energy independent than ever. Vice President Harris cast the tie breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction Act, creating hundreds of thousands of good paying energy jobs and making the biggest climate investment in world history. But Trump promises to dismantle all this progress and sell out America’s future for his own personal gain.”
National Defend Our Climate Town Hall with Sen. Whitehouse (D-RI) and Rep. Stansbury (NM-01)
Calling all climate activists! Please join us for a unique virtual town hall event with Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) and Representative Melanie Stansbury (NM-01), moderated by Earthjustice President Abbie Dillen. We’ll talk about record heat and what we can do about it. We’ll celebrate how all the climate investments in the Inflation Reduction Act are speeding our transition to clean energy, creating jobs, and lowering energy costs. We’ll also spell out how we can all come together to Defend Our Climate when the big polluters and their allies in Congress would take us backward.
Mountain Valley Pipeline Protest
President Biden faced fierce opposition when he approved the Willow oil drilling project. He has done it again with the Mountain Valley Pipeline as part of the debt ceiling deal. Join us in front of the White House to demand Biden stop the MVP.
By backing Manchin’s Dirty Deal, the Biden administration has signaled they are willing to sacrifice Appalachians for their own political gain. For over a century, Appalachia has been deemed a sacrifice zone. The fossil fuel industry has destroyed our home and our wellbeing. We will not let the Mountain Valley Pipeline add to this legacy. We will stop MVP and secure a better, more just future for our home.
This is Biden’s pipeline. He can stop MVP just like he stopped Keystone XL. He can reclaim his climate legacy by stopping all new fossil fuel projects.
The MVP is one of many fossil fuel projects Biden could stop. This action sets off a stampede of distributed actions across the country June 8 – 11th with thousands of people calling on President Biden to stop all new fossil fuel projects.
Facing the Climate Emergency Book Launch
Join us for the release of Facing the Climate Emergency + discussion with author Margaret Klein Salamon and journalist Roberta Baskin.
About the Book —
Facing the Climate Emergency: How to Transform Yourself with Climate Truth
A lifeline for those suffering from climate anxiety, Facing the Climate Emergency combines Salamon’s expertise in clinical psychology and disruptive climate activism to help readers transform their fear and grief into courage and heroism.
This beloved self-help book provides emphatic guidance for the overwhelmed and concrete strategies for tackling anxiety and other painful climate emotions. Facing the Climate Emergency offers inspiring portraits of ordinary people who are striking school, throwing soup onto paintings, and otherwise disrupting normalcy in order to raise the alarm and create rapid policy change.
Facing the Climate Emergency helps people. That’s why writer and director Adam McKay writes in the foreword to the 2nd edition, “I hope this book becomes as ubiquitous as the Heimlich maneuver in restaurants.”
About the Speakers —
Margaret Klein Salamon, Ph.D, is the executive director of the Climate Emergency Fund, which raises and grants millions of dollars to nonviolent disruptive climate activists. A graduate of Harvard with a Ph.D. from Adelphi University, Margaret brings her psychological expertise to all of her climate work. As founder of the grassroots advocacy group Climate Mobilization, she spearheaded the campaign for governments to acknowledge the climate emergency through an official declaration. A climate emergency has now been declared by over 2,270 global governments, comprising more than 1 billion of the world’s citizens. Her Climate Awakening project facilitates hundreds of virtual and in-person small-group conversations, helping people transform their fear, rage, and despair into effective action.
Roberta Baskin spent more than 30 years as an awarding-winning investigative reporter at CBS News, ABC news, & PBS exposing stories of injustices. Roberta’s storied career garnered more than 75 journalism awards, including three duPont Columbia Awards, two Peabody Awards, and multiple Emmys. Her investigations reformed injustices and improved dozens of health and safety products and practices. She now serves on five non-profit boards dedicated to climate justice and solutions to socio-economic divides.
End The Era of Fossil Fuels
On Earth Day 2023, we declare the era of fossil fuels OVER.
Humanity is at a crossroads. Now is when we decide how we want to go on as a civilization. Will we create a livable, just, equitable future for everyone? Or will we let present and future generations live with chaos and destruction? The planet’s life supporting systems are disintegrating, and our environment needs to be restored.
Our biggest challenge is ending our reliance on fossil fuels and transitioning to renewable energy. To secure a livable future, we cannot afford new fossil fuel projects. We need the U.S. government in particular to say NO to fossil fuels. Our planet is on fire, and we can’t feed this fire any longer.
We come from all different backgrounds, fighting for a huge variety of intersecting causes. From plastics and biodiversity, to housing, anti-war, immigrant rights and gender and racial equality—our crises are interconnected, and our movement is stronger together.
To make the biggest difference, we need not just individual actions, but system change like we’ve never seen before.
This April we come together, fighting for climate justice and real change from decision-makers. We are demanding the federal government and other decision-makers end the era of fossil fuels to protect people and the planet.
2023 will be the most critical year yet for action on climate. It will be one of our last chances to mitigate the interlocking crises we face. We are fighting for a systemic change—and it can begin with you. There’s no time to waste.
12 noon – Youth-led rally in Freedom Plaza
Join us at 12 noon for a youth-led (but everybody included!) rally in Freedom Plaza. This one-hour rally will feature voices of young people from around DC and across the country, front line leaders fighting the worst impacts of climate change, and music from the Too Much Talent Band.
1pm – March to the White House
At 1pm we’re taking to the streets and marching to the White House to demand that President Biden take bold action to follow through with his promises to End the Era of Fossil Fuels! The full march is about 1 mile and we will be stopping to make some noise and hold a brief program on Pennsylvania Ave. in front of the White House
3pm – Earth Day Organizing Fair
This year’s Earth Day mobilization will be a powerful moment, we know that this is only the beginning. Join us for an organizing fair in Freedom Plaza, from 3-5pm on April 22nd to get connected and make plans to continue the work going forward. Organizational partners are making plans to hold climate cafe’s, participatory art projects, teach-ins, dance parties and other activities.
The Peoples' EJ Roundtable
On Wednesday, March 29, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( FERC) is hosting a so-called Environmental Justice Forum throughout the day. Because we don’t think that the FERC forum will produce the results frontline advocates require nor was the event organized to ensure frontline and community-based organizations were truly respected, heard, and included, we’re hosting our own Peoples’ Environmental Justice Roundtable from 5-7p at Busboys & Poets, 450 K St NW, in Washington, DC and online to uplift the voices of communities that are impacted everyday by FERC’s decisions (food and music 5-6p, panel from 6-7p).
At the Peoples’ EJ Roundtable, we’ll spotlight the amazing work happening to challenge the rush to build new LNG and pipelines led by people from frontline communities who are building toward a future without LNG. Leaders will speak about their communities and will have space to reflect on what occurred during the day at the FERC event. Come enjoy great music, food, and conversation as we work toward a day where FERC is an agency that centers climate and environmental justice in its decision making.
Please join us to listen to and support our frontline leaders.
If your organization is interested in crossposting the livestream, please email [email protected]
Roundtable on Environmental Justice and Equity in Infrastructure Permitting
This Commissioner-led roundtable will provide an opportunity for the Commissioners and staff to engage with environmental justice community members, advocates, researchers, industry representatives, and government leaders on actions the Commission can take to better incorporate environmental justice and equity considerations into its decisions.
This discussion will strengthen the Commission’s efforts to identify and address adverse impacts associated with permitting applications for hydroelectric, natural gas pipeline, liquified natural gas, and electric transmission infrastructure subject to FERC jurisdiction. This roundtable will help further the goals of the Commission’s Equity Action Plan, which include reducing barriers to meaningful participation faced by underserved communities and ensuring that the Commission’s natural gas and hydroelectric policies and processes are consistent with environmental justice principles.
Time | Details | ||||||||||
9:30 am – 9:45 am | Welcome and Opening Remarks | ||||||||||
9:45 am – 11:15 am | Panel 1: Priorities for Advancing Environmental Justice and Equity in Infrastructure Permitting
As the Commission continues to advance its consideration of environmental justice and equity concerns in its infrastructure permitting proceedings, this panel will discuss how the Commission can better integrate and advance environmental justice and equity principles in its decision-making. The panel may include a discussion of the following questions:
11:15 am – 11:30 am | Break
| 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
| Panel 2: From the Front-Line: Impacted Communities and their Challenges
| During this panel, Commissioners will engage with members and representatives of overburdened communities impacted by FERC-jurisdictional infrastructure about the environmental justice challenges they face. The panel may include a discussion of the following questions: Location-Specific Impacts:
Meaningful Engagement:
Panelists: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
| Lunch
| Lunch will not be provided. 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
| Panel 3: Identifying, Avoiding, and Addressing Environmental Justice Impacts
| This panel will discuss how infrastructure applicants, the Commission, and its staff can better identify, avoid, and minimize adverse impacts on environmental justice communities. The panel may include a discussion of the following questions: Cumulative Impacts:
Identifying, Minimizing, and Avoiding Impacts:
Panelists: 3:30 pm |
Closing Remarks
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Tell the EPA: Strong Soot Protections Now!
Toxic soot pollution affects millions, but it doesn’t need to be this way.
Right now thousands people are fighting hard to ensure the EPA doesn’t let big polluters off the hook when it comes to setting the strongest possible standards on soot pollution.
Join us at the EPA HQ for our final public testimony as the comment window on national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for particulate matter (PM) closes.
And please spread the word about this event demanding clean air and healthier communities now
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit: Day Three
The ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit (The Summit) is an annual conference and technology showcase that brings together experts from different technical disciplines and professional communities to think about America’s energy challenges in new and innovative ways. Now in its thirteenth year, the Summit offers a unique, three-day program aimed at moving transformational energy technologies out of the lab and into the market.
The summit is taking place at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland.
Agenda: Day One | Day Two | Day Three
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | Energy and the Blue Economy: Emerging Technology Needs and Market Opportunities | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This “Energy and the Blue Economy” discussion will bring together representatives from across government, philanthropy, and ocean-based industries, who are all anticipated to drive significant growth in at-sea energy consumption over the coming decade. The panel will serve to connect the ARPA-E community to these diverse users of ocean energy technologies, whose operational requirements will motivate the development of innovative solutions in renewable marine energy generation, storage, and transfer. Discussion topics will include a) current marine energy technology limitations that could be overcome through focused development supported by ARPA-E; b) current and emerging Blue Economy markets that may offer high-risk, but high-growth potential for novel energy technologies; c) shared energy technology requirements across the many segments of the Blue Economy; and d) unique challenges and opportunities for funding and scaling energy technologies for use in ocean environments. Ultimately, this discussion will highlight the role that ARPA-E and its performers, in addition to the DOE at large, can have in supporting the energy needs of growing the Blue Economy, potentially illuminating new markets, novel sources of investment, and untapped technology development spaces.
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | Scaling up with SCALEUP
Scaling up a start-up or small business presents multiple challenges. This is particularly true when commercializing hard engineering technologies due to the investment required to demonstrate cost and performance at commercial scale sufficient to address market adoptions risks. Through the SCALEUP program, first launched in 2019, ARPA-E has endeavored to help address these challenges and accelerate deployment of promising technologies previously funded by ARPA-E. In this panel you will hear from leaders of a few of the companies from the SCALEUP 2019 and 2021 cohorts. They will describe some of the key technical, commercial, and team development challenges they have confronted – and continue to confront – in their scale-up journey and how they are addressing them.
| 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | DOE Foundations
The Department of Energy has been tasked with setting up an independent foundation — the Foundation for Energy Security and Innovation (FESI) — per section 10691 of the CHIPS Act. FESI will be established as a non-profit 501©(3) organization. This panel will feature established organizations by other government departments. Attendees can gain an understanding of this new organization as panelists discuss what successes the department and organizations have created and how outside stakeholders interact with existing foundations.
| 10:25 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. | Video Address
| 10:30 a.m. – 10:35 a.m. | Video Address
| Martin Heinrich, U.S. Senate, New Mexico
| 10:35 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. | Keynote Address
| 10:45 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | Keynote Address
| 11:00 a.m. – 11:25 a.m. | Fireside Chat
| 11:25 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. | Student PITCHES (Proposing Ideas for Technologies that Can Harness Energy Sustainably)
| 11:30 a.m. – 11:35 a.m. | Keynote Address
| 11:35 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. | Keynote Address
| 11:40 a.m. | Closing Remarks
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ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit: Day Two
The ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit (The Summit) is an annual conference and technology showcase that brings together experts from different technical disciplines and professional communities to think about America’s energy challenges in new and innovative ways. Now in its thirteenth year, the Summit offers a unique, three-day program aimed at moving transformational energy technologies out of the lab and into the market.
The summit is taking place at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland.
Agenda: Day One | Day Two | Day Three
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | Fast Pitch: Nuclear & Materials | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | Grid Storage Beyond the Hype
Intermittent resources such as wind and solar play a greater role in energy generation. Concurrently, consumer, commercial, and industrial power consumption increasingly electrifies. Energy storage will play a critical role in balancing supply and demand across the grid, regardless of time of day, weather, or season. This is reflected in the public funding and private capital flowing to the development of new battery and alternative energy storage technologies and projects. This panel will explore the role that storage currently plays in the grid and, more importantly, what to expect in the future, and when. Our panelists will discuss the technologies and the business cases behind recent high-profile long duration energy storage projects to provide an inside view into this key enabler of the energy transition.
| 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. | What’s Behind the Corporate Curtain?
This panel will examine large company absorption and adoption of companies and their technologies. When a company conducts an IPO or other type of capital raise, everything happens in the public eye. Conversely when one company acquires another’s technology – or the company itself – the process is opaquer and that technology sometimes doesn’t resurface for years, if ever. Large company executives will pull back the curtain and explain what happens to the energy technologies they acquire after the purchase and how they are absorbed or adopted into the acquirer’s operations. Learn more about this potential road to commercialization.
| 11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. | Tech Demo: CHARGED: Commercialization of Highly Accelerated Reliable Grid-Networked Energy Delivery
| Team: Imagen Energy
| 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. | Tech Demo: Predictive Data-Driven Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Control: from ECU to the Cloud
| University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
| This NEXTCAR project seeks to reduce vehicle energy consumption by 30%, via connectivity and automation technologies. If scaled to all on-road vehicles in the U.S., these technologies potentially eliminate 4.5 quads of energy consumption. Our project pursues three use-cases. The first leverages communication with signalized intersections to automate the speed profile and lane changing to minimize energy consumption, in arterial roads. Second, we automate the parking and charging behaviors in parking lots via vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. Third, we minimize fleet vehicle energy consumption via optimized dispatching, routing, and charge scheduling in urban environments. We invite you to engage with us on scaling this technology to maximize impact. 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. | Student PITCHES (Proposing Ideas for Technologies that Can Harness Energy Sustainably)
| 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. | American Energy Innovators Network: Designing Federal Policy for Energy Startups
| The American Energy Innovators Network (AEIN) is hosting a policy discussion for Summit participants. Join us for a brief overview of the policy landscape affecting clean energy startups, entrepreneurs, and investors, and discussion on policy priorities for the upcoming year. This conversation is open to anyone who is interested.
| 1:15 p.m. – 1:35 p.m. | Keynote Address
| 1:35 p.m. – 1:55 p.m. | Fireside Chat
| 1:55 p.m. – 2:05 p.m. | Keynote Address
| 2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. | Keynote Address
* Dr. David Victor, Professor of Innovation and Public Policy, School of Global Policy and Strategy, University of California San Diego, BP
| 2:30 p.m. – 2:40 p.m. | Keynote Address
| 2:45 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. | Keynote Address & Fireside Chat
| 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. | Fast Pitch: Sustainability & Resilience
| 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. | Best Practices and Challenges for Product or Process Lifecycle Analyses
The focus on sustainability across multiple industry sectors has enhanced the need for the development of highly sophisticated Lifecycle Analysis (LCA) tools for revenue generating products and processes. These tools help companies estimate and reduce their Scope 1-3 emissions to meet the sustainability scorecards they have been mandated to report on. Development of such models are a non-trivial task requiring a comprehensive understanding of cradle-to-grave supply chains and acquiring and analyzing data sources, for accurate reporting. This panel session will focus on identifying some of the challenges and best practices for the development of LCA tools for the aviation, datacenter, oil & gas, and materials manufacturing industries and what transformational technologies are needed. Perspectives from the panelists will focus on what is possible versus what is needed and how the uptake of these tools for future decision making can be enhanced.
| 3:45 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. | Nuclear Power for our Low Carbon Future: Rethinking the Nuclear Waste Challenge
The energy transition will require a variety of low-carbon energy technologies and, while early in the transition, the premium for constant, on-demand power is becoming increasingly important. One option for low-carbon, baseload electricity is nuclear energy. Several advanced reactor companies are targeting deployment towards the latter part of this decade, though a common question relevant to their rapid deployment is, “What should we do about the waste?”. The current disposal plan, decided in the late 1970s and endorsed multiple times since, for nuclear waste is to permanently dispose of the material in a deep geological repository. However, the existing nuclear waste sits in interim storage at approximately 100 locations throughout the United States and the suitability of a potential deep geological repository to effectively sequester nuclear waste from advanced reactors is unclear. Fortunately, technologies, including waste forms, recycling, transmutation, etc., have dramatically evolved and the potential to reassess optimal disposal options is timely. This panel will discuss how potential technological innovations could have significant impact on the viability of various disposal options.
| 5:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. | Tech Demo: Analytics Data Hub and the Intelligence Potential of Clarivate’s Global Research & Innovation Data
| Clarivate Partner Demo
| 6:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. | Tech Demo: Compact Diffusion Bonded Printed-Circuit Heat Exchanger Development Using Nickel Superalloys for Highly Power Dense and Efficient Modular Energy Production Systems
| Vacuum Process Engineering (VPE) will present progress on the design and manufacturing development of compact diffusion bonded microchannel heat exchangers using high nickel superalloys. Microchannel heat exchangers are constructed from laminating layers of sheet metal together in a solid-state joining process where the sheet metal layers contain small semicircular channels to accommodate fluid flow with alternating flow paths. Typically, microchannel heat exchangers are constructed from stainless steel alloys which limits their operating conditions to ~650 °C at ~20 MPa. The development of alternative channel forming and bonding techniques developed in this project for high nickel alloys such as IN740H allow for the operating envelope of microchannel heat exchangers to be extended to 800 °C at 28 MPa. A prototype 5-kW heat exchanger constructed from IN740H and operated at temperatures above 800 °C will be presented.
| 7:30 p.m. – 7:45 p.m. | Tech Demo: AERIALIST – 2nd generation motor for lArge ElectRIc Aircraft propuLsIon SysTems
| Team: Wright Electric
| 5:00 p.m. – 6:45 p.m. | ARPA-E: The Team Transforming Energy
ARPA-E has a history of making a difference – not just in the way the United States uses energy, but also in the lives and careers of those who join the ARPA-E team. The Program Director, T2M Advisor, and Fellow positions can play a decisive role in a career both by providing the opportunity to revolutionize the energy sector and positioning team members for future prospects that may have otherwise been out of reach or unimagined. These positions are term limited to drive a consistent influx of new ideas and perspectives into the agency and grow its alumni network throughout the energy innovation community. Join new ARPA-E Director Dr. Evelyn Wang as she sits with a panel of ARPA-E team members and alumni to discuss their experience working at the agency, how they decided that a role at ARPA-E was the right fit for them, and how ARPA-E served as a pivotal point in their career trajectory.
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